
Gravostyle 7 adding tool
Gravostyle 7 adding tool

Then clean up the loose material with the edge of your chisel. It can be helpful to wiggle the tool ever so slightly. Use the #8-4mm to do a subtle cut that will scoop up and out. Decide which direction you want your wood spirit carving looking

#Gravostyle 7 adding tool series

Give your wood spirit's eyes crows-feet by doing a series of stop cuts with your fishtail gouge Using the #11-3mm, do a series of small cuts to create wrinkles You can define the lower eyelid a little more by tracing along the lower eyelid Remove the material on the low side of the cut to create the impression that the bad is sticking forward, elevated from the cheek. Using the #11-3mm gouge, carve along the drawn line Draw in the one main bag (the mallard bag) Again, don't carve away the lower eyelid! REMEMBER: Be careful to not cut past the stop cut. Define the corner of the eye on each side draw in the rounded shape of the lower eyelid, and then use the fishtail tool to do the same thing on bottom Remove some material from below the stop cut, about 2mm to create the hood that's covering the eyelid You can hold the gouge like you hold a pencil Make a stop cut along the line with your #3F-6mm fishtail gouge Meaning there's a hood that will cover up the top eyelid. If you haven't seen lessons 1-2, you can find them here: This Schaaf Tools Video Series with woodcarver Lucas Kost takes beginner carvers through the process of carving a wood spirit from start to finish. They will make your wood spirit come alive! In this third lesson, you'll add the details that will complete your wood spirit's eyes. The eyes may be small, but they're important.

Gravostyle 7 adding tool